This is an 2D Object Scatter over a surface utility.
Nurbs: Works very well, Any shape will work fine. Distribtion is UV based.
Poly: Works best with a mostly 2d surface, like a plane.
SubD: Not tested, Probably the same as Poly.
Curves: Works, but needs more options.
-Copy or Duplicate
-Randimization in scale, rotation, and transformation.
-Scatters within and objects bounding box, and constrains to the surface.
-Option to automatically parent or group the objects after operation is complete
-Scatter modes:
- Array - Attempts to maintain an even distribution a scatter factor of zero will make it even.
- Bounding Box - Very basic, randimization within bounding box
- Simple Noise - Simple noise based distribtion. Think of it as using a noise map as a density map
- Perlin Noise - Much more complex form of noise. How much better this looks will depend on object size and number of copies
- Texture Map - Use a texture map to control scatter on nurbs.
- Vertex Color -Comming Soon, use vertex color to control distribution on polygons
I tested it on 6, though i do think it will run on 5 and probably 4.
v 1.1 - Two noise based distributions, Simple and Perlin. Small Bug Fixed.
v 1.3 - Cool stuff. Distribution on nurbs surface is uv based. You can now use a texture map to control distribution with nurbs serfaces as well.
v1.3a - Small Error fix.
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