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ScriptsManager 2.0.3 for Maya (maya script)

ScriptsManager is a handy script, which can...

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  • 2012, 2011, 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x, 4.x, 3.x, 2.x, 1.x

Operating Systems

  • Irix
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:08/27/2011
File Size: 22.6 KB
How to invoke ScriptsManger during Maya starts up:
Make sure you are using the latest copy and then put the following lines into your userSetup.mel
// Invoke ScriptsManager during Maya starts up ...
source ScriptsManager;
if (`menu -exists Crow_SMScriptsMenu`)   deleteUI Crow_SMScriptsMenu;
global string $gMainWindow;
menu -p $gMainWindow -to true -l "[ Scripts ]" Crow_SMScriptsMenu;
1) Replace /PATH/TO/YOUR/SCRIPTS/ with your own path. 
2) The path must leads to a folder instead of a file, and must be ended with a "/".

ScriptsManager is a handy script, which can work on both Windows NT and IRIX. It builds an UI window which help user to do these jobs:
1. Scan a "script directory" to find any scripts that exist under that directory or its subdirectories.
2. Build a menu, which is under the main Maya menu and is in the same structure as the "script directory" and its subdirectories are on the hard disk. The "script directory" can be set by user or just be the default, which is current user script directory.
3. Selecting a menu item will source the responding script and then execute it.
4. If there is a folder named "SM_NeedArguments" under the "script directory" or its subdirectories, then executing any script under that folder or its subdirectories will pop up a window for user to type in the arguments needed.
IMPORTANT: The "special" folder must be named as "SM_NeedArguments", each letter can be in either lower case or upper case, but the spelling is case sensitive.

Put the script in your scripts folder then type and execute "ScriptsManager" in the command line or Script Editor.There will pop up an UI window, select one of the three modes, then press "Go!".

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