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"Rapid Rig: Modular" - Procedural Auto Rig 2.4.8 for Maya (maya script)

"Rapid Rig: Modular" frees you from the confines of bipedal autorigs! So get creative!

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  • 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014

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Last Modified:03/25/2023
File Size: 323 KB
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  • itsyou

    itsyou said almost 6 years ago:

    Amazing tool. Rig for film or game. Generates a UI for your custom rig, pose mirroring, nice template rigs and easy to add more complex rigging ontop, such as corrective shapes, influences, etc.
  • Sgtkoolaid

    Sgtkoolaid said about 6 years ago:

    Absolutely stellar software plug in. Incredibly intuitive, straight forward and feature rich system that makes rigging a breeze. I also love the fact the developer constantly updates this system, it shows he takes pride in his work and stands behind his product. He is always active and responsive. truly one of the few remarkable developers who make website like these a go to place to find some truly genius software solutions for assisting freelance artists in making their workflow more efficient and higher quality. I been modeling since around 1998 and animating and rigging since 2005ish, and I can beyond a doubt this has to be one of the finest software solutions for making my life easy for rigging. You will be hard pressed to find anything better and this price point, amount of features, workflow efficiency/automation, and developer updates.
  • joseph Tennyson

    joseph Tennyson said over 6 years ago:

    Best rigging tool - certainly at the price - I have used including some fairly expensive alternatives with comparatively less features
  • ziggie

    ziggie said over 7 years ago:

    Been using this script for some time now, built at least 15 rigs with it already ( most of them for game purposes ) and many of them asymetrical and pretty complex I have to say that this is the most useful tool I've seen in Maya when it comes to animation. I am a shitty rigger but with this script it's completely irrelevant, this script does all the work for you and gives you perfect results in the end. Its stabile, it's not too demanding ( resource wise ) and pretty damn powerful, almost a high end rigging system ( this all depends on your needs and creativity with the tool ). This is amazing tool, thank you Dustin for working on it still, please never stop :). Once you get acquainted with the process of rigging with this tool you'll see how your animation improves as well, you'll be able to animate in a way you always wanted but didn't know how, plus, this is the most versitile tool ever. Give it a try you won't regret it ! Peace
  • shaunchap

    shaunchap said over 8 years ago:

    I've been using Rapid Rig for a few years and it's saved me so much time while giving me great rigs. RRM is a no-brainer purchase if you need fully customizable and fully functional character rigs in a short period of time.
  • Andrion Becker

    Andrion Becker said over 8 years ago:

    Excellent tool for creating rigs of all types best of all it's updated regularly
  • kursat turkay

    kursat turkay said almost 9 years ago:

    Im using maya since 2000. know how to rig since 2003. I just can say this tool is awesome. learning may take some hours. watch relevant videotutorials. the developer is so polite and responsible. I asked a bug and fixed the day I reported. -I just can say I have no see any disadvantages of this tool. I used all others. this one is best. dont waste time anymore. this is best.
  • jinu john

    jinu john said over 9 years ago:

    Thankyou Dustin for providing such an awesome tool for rigging. I have just started working with it, and enjoying every bit of it. I am a freelance animator, who was finding the rigging process taking up a lot of time, this tool is a real time saver. I feel like I can rig any complex character in no time. RRM is the best thing that can happen for a animation production setup. THANKS AGAIN DUSTIN....RRM ROCKS!!
  • Davide Alidosi

    Davide Alidosi said over 10 years ago:

    Some years ago I study very hard and spend a lot of money to learn how to make a good rig, and I find that process long, tedious and not always predictable. Now finally tanks to RRM I can rig any type of creature in some hours instead of days of hard work, and I'm always sure to reach my goal. Tanks to Dustin self educational videos is possible understand the key elements of the script in less than an hour and for any additional problem he provide a robust and fast support. In my opinion RRM is the missing puzzle piece in the Maya vanilla installation.
  • brandelan

    brandelan said almost 11 years ago:

    RRM is a truly awesome rigging tool that just keeps getting better with each update. Such a time saver. Dustin is super quick to implement fixes, and respond to questions.

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