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QuickTime playblast for Windows 1.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

QuickTime playblast

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  • 2008

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:07/30/2008
File Size: 2.17 KB
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  • Emil Polyak

    Emil Polyak said about 13 years ago:

    With maya 2012 the following line needs updating: //stores the result of the playblast into a string string $blastResult = `playblast -startTime $startTime -endTime $endTime -format iff -compression png -wh $wRes $hRes -clearCache 0 -viewer 0 -showOrnaments 1 -percent $size`; In case of errors: invalid command name "" while executing " -dialog 1 " Update the following line: $tclFile = ("package require QuickTimeTcl 3.0" + " \n" + "set lfile [ glob -type f [file join " + $blastSeq + "*.png] ]" + " \n" + "foreach f $lfile {" + " \n" + " lappend imageList [image create photo -file $f]" + " \n" + "}" + " \n" + "movie .m" + " \n" + ".m new" + " \n" + ".m tracks new video" + " " + $tclwRes + " " + $tclhRes + " \n" + "pack .m" + " \n" + "update" + " \n" + "set timeScale 625" + " \n" + "set numFrames 25" + " \n" + "set frameDuration [expr 625 / 25]" + " \n" + ".m tracks add picture 1 0 $frameDuration $imageList -dialog 0 -keyframerate 25" + " \n" + ".m save" + " \n" + ".m export -file " + $movName + "" + " -dialog 1" + " \n" + "return;");
  • anton blake

    anton blake said about 13 years ago:

    i dont know how to use ? any help
  • ehoch

    ehoch said over 15 years ago:

    This is an excellent tool. Well thought-out, and very easy to implement into a GUI. For example, I was able to quickly implement ep_playTime.mel inside of zbw_playblast.mel's GUI. Our studio uses an OSX workflow, but we needed to dual-boot into Windows 7 for some of Maya's newest plugins, and just for greater stability and productivity in general. I got used to being able to Playblast into Quicktime in OSX and then moving smoothly into Final Cut Pro to audition the pre-vis. In Windows Playblast is almost useless for a QT workflow... until I found your script. Thank you so much for saving my sanity. One improvement that could be made: Ideally the TCL script would clean up and delete the temporary PNG files created in the process.
  • Qwesto

    Qwesto said over 16 years ago:

    This is it!!! A 1000 thanks!
  • ajitsinghyadav

    ajitsinghyadav said over 16 years ago:

    Cool all way's want this Option in Maya, Play blast my animation in QT to watch each and every frame...... looking forward to audio support :)
  • Emil Polyak

    Emil Polyak said over 16 years ago:

    Just tested with QT standard and works fine so you don't need Pro QT to have access to the export feature.

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