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Quick Light 1.1.2 for Maya (maya script)

A quick three point light setup for rendering!

Button download


  • 2019, 2018

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:03/13/2020
File Size: 2.39 KB
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  • Schocki

    Schocki said over 6 years ago:

    Hey, thanks for you review!

    Here is how to add a script to a shelf:
    Press on the little gear on the left of the shelfs
    Press 'Shelf Editor...'
    Under 'Shelf Contents' press the rhombus with a little plus icon, the symbol the 3rd from the left
    Switch to the 'Command' tab
    Switch the 'Language:' from 'MEL' to 'Python' and paste the whole script there

    Making the shelf button source the script and running it is highly dependant on your placement of the script, so it has a high error chance for people who do not know python.
    Hope it helps! :)
  • hazem_zoom

    hazem_zoom said over 6 years ago:

    Nice & works with MtoA 3.1 in Maya 2018.3 ,, just a small request: if you can make the script to be sourced from a Shelf command, instead of loading the whole script script editor each time we open Maya ,, most of people downloading your scripts don't know about Python, so we don't know how to do it.

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