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Quick Lattice 1.2.0 for Maya (maya script)

A script with a user interface that allows you to create a lattice deformer on geometry quickly.

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  • 2014


Last Modified:11/24/2014
File Size: 3.07 KB
Quick Lattice!
Version 1.2
By Alex Colgan

Quick Lattice (or qLattice) is a free MEL script for quickly creating lattice deformers in Maya. Comments, suggestions and bug reports are welcome. Maya is compatible with Maya 2014, and hopefully Maya 2015. If it's not, let me know and I'll fix that.

1. Take qLattice.mel, and gently place it in your C:\Users\[insert user name here]\Documents\maya\2014-x64\scripts folder.
2. Open up Maya's script editor, create a new MEL tab (hold right-click inside the script editor, then select new tab), and load the qLattice script in the scripts folder.
3. Select all that sweet sweet MEL goodness, and middle mouse drag that to your "Custom" shelf.
4. Be sure to edit the button and label it something descriptive! (right-click the new button, hit edit. Go to the "Shelves" tab, then type something inside the "Icon Label" text field.)
5. Hit dat button.

The general idea is that you select the geometry you want to deform (mesh, vertices, whatever), hit 'load selected geometry'. Then put in a name in the "Lattice Name" text field. No spaces or goofy characters please! Just basic alpha-numeric characters, the kind your grandmother would use if she was a character TD.
Then you can set the lattice falloff if you want the mesh not to completely freak out once it leaves the lattice.  If you want to parent the lattice to a control so you can move the lattice around, click the checkbox and then select the control you want to be the parent, then hit 'load selected control.'
Once you're done with that, hit 'create lattice.' This will both create the lattice and create a control (qLat_lat_ctrl) at origin that allows keyframing of the lattice's envelope. If you create multiple lattices, all envelope attributes will feed into this control, so it's very important you don't lose it or delete it.


Please use the Bug System to report any bugs.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
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