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Python Joint Chain Tool 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

This was my first ever Python script.

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  • 2012

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Last Modified:12/22/2013
File Size: 149 KB


joints, Rigging, maya

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  • ziggie

    ziggie said almost 9 years ago:

    Nick I hope you see this ( soon ). Been using your FREE scripts for quite some time now and I have to say they are truly amazing and help me a lot in my workflow. I was wondering do you still support them and how long you plan on doing that ( Regarding the future Maya versions ). Reason why I am asking that is because I use Maya 2016 ver. with all SP's and I sometimes get this really weird problem with all your scripts ( I reckon it's Maya's fault somehow ). What happens is Maya accepts scripts, reads them out and allows me to work with them at the start and then for no apparent reason after few weeks decides that they DO NOT EXIST. Result is error : # Error: ImportError: file line 1: No module named jointToolUI .Python interpreter is obviously confused but why ? Since you know how your script looks I will not paste it here and I am posting only the problem/error that was given. Now, I don't really understand why this error occurs in the first place when it clearly worked fine day before. This happened recently and only thing I think could be a potential reason for this is that I installed another plugin for skinning called NGSkin tool but I highly doubt it :( Is there a way to check if interpreter is looking in the wrong place for the scripts and if so how can i get it to work ( it's obviously problem with that ) ?? Thank you for any help regarding this and THANK YOU soo much for putting out such an awesome scripts for all of us ! All best man ! ! !
  • nickmillergenuine

    nickmillergenuine said about 11 years ago:

    Hey, thanks man! I appreciate the review. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "And i was wondering if you will release this script or not." Do you mean this one, the Python Joint Chain Tool? If so, here it is; I hope the download link is working properly for you. As for what comes next--I am currently working on a lizard rig due to release here on CC early-mid January for free. It is possible I will throw out another script before then. I may write one to speed up workflow on the facial rigging process. Cheers!
  • Grafix96

    Grafix96 said about 11 years ago:

    Dear Mr. Nick. I have seen the demo videos on vimeo a few weeks ago, And i was wondering if you will release this script or not. All i can say is Thank you so much about this useful & amazing tool. Soft IK Tool, Bendy Joint Creator, And now the Python Joint Chain Tool. I wonder what kind of script you will bring next to amaze your fans. Thank you so much, and all my best wishes to you.
  • farzin3daxis

    farzin3daxis said about 11 years ago:

    vry usiful scripts . very good

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