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PoseMAN (Pose manager) 1.3.5 for Maya (maya script)

Character Pose Manager

Button download


  • 2009, 2008, 8.x, 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:05/20/2011
File Size: 33.5 KB


maya, animation, mel, Pose

Version History

* I'm rewriting some parts of poseman to work in Maya 2011 and new behaviour of the shelfLayout

Pose manager for Maya

If you wish to make a donation to ensure the interest in development of PoseMan you may do so via Paypal to Thanks in advance :)

Short feature list:

- New Feature: Create and Open characters at/from any path like regular software. No more charcters attached at maya projecst directory. Easy to share characters and poses :)
- New Feature: Drag And Drop poses to REORDER
- New Feature: Drag And Drop poses to trash icon to DELETE (like shelf)
- New Feature: Delete Sections and Poses are renamed to name.deleted
- Share/Move:
Easy to share poses, just copy and paste PoseMan directory or character and sections directory, etc..
- Mix pose slider: Mix character to mix poses!
- Camera Preset: Store 5 camera presets per character to easy create pose thumbnail
- Reference: Works with differentes namespaces

- Bug fixed when apply pose with referecing scenes.
- Dock feature removed (too much buggy)

PoseMan - Feature screen
click for larger version

Camera presets to easy thumbnail capturing - Feature screen