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polyScatter -- Spread objects across a surface 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

The script focuses on scattering objects without any unnecessary cluttering or unwanted holes.

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  • 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x

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  • Windows


Last Modified:09/27/2016
File Size: 6.81 KB


maya, mel, modeling, Tips

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  • saroman

    saroman said over 6 years ago:

    Very useful, thanks :)
  • Sae Luan

    Sae Luan said almost 7 years ago:

    No way to convert.. whatever this creates into objects for export.  I need my scattered objects to export along with the original object, but unfortunately, nothing I press allows this to happen.  It's very irritating because the scattered results were exactly what I was seeking.
  • chucklepunch

    chucklepunch said almost 8 years ago:

    Love the setup, but unfortunately the scatter object option is greyed out for me so I cannot run the script. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks.
  • jungaako

    jungaako said over 8 years ago:

    Oh thank you for the information, I'm kind of a user who rarely use scripts and commands inside maya, sorry for asking inane questions. Thank you.
  • i clemens

    i clemens said over 8 years ago:

    Here's what the installation instruction says: Just copy the script to any script directory that is accessed via maya. Run the script by executing “icPolyScatter” (without quotes) in the script editor. Though you can use the scripts folder of your project this is only recommended if you have scripts which are specific for your project. If you want to have a script available for any project use your user preferences folder in c:/users/.../maya/scripts Run the script by executing “icPolyScatter” Nothing says anything about opening the script in the script editor (why else would you need to copy the script to the scripts folder if you then manually open it in the script editor? - this makes absolutely no sense). Scripts are there to provide additional commands (if written correctly) and you only need a command to run it and there is absolutely no need to ever open a script in the script editor. Never. icPolyScatter is a command. icPolyScatter.mel is the script which provided the command.
  • jungaako

    jungaako said over 8 years ago:

    Here is what I did: 1. Download the 2. Extract it to get the icPolyScatter.mel 3. Copy it in my maya project folder (script) 4. Then I open my file where I am working 5. After that I open the script editor and load the script and run it at the same time. Unfortunately, the poly scatter dialog box didn't open and nothing happen. Maybe I did something wrong, Sorry for the trouble.
  • i clemens

    i clemens said over 8 years ago:

    @jungaako: please read the installation instructions and follow them. Or please write a detailed step-by-step report on what you did exactly.
  • jungaako

    jungaako said over 8 years ago:

    Guys, maybe I did something wrong, whenever I run the script in maya 2016, nothing happens. I waited a billion hours hoping that it'll pop-up but nothing happens. Please help masters
  • i clemens

    i clemens said over 8 years ago:

    The problem is not known and probably relates to your scene where you have more than one object with the same name. This happens easily when duplicating objects. And the error tells you exactly that. When the scattered object is not on your scatter surface when you need to check your transformations. The most common problem is that you either have the pivot someplace else or you have frozen your transformations.
  • colendro

    colendro said over 8 years ago:

    Hey there. I just started to use your script and it is great. I just wanted to ask if anyone has encountered the problem I have. I can only scatter onto a freshly created surface. Whenever I try to do it on an older object that I've created, most of the times it says: // Error: More than one object matches name: [whatevernamehere] // Also if I do manage to reach the point where I can select an object I want to scatter, it scatters it somewhere away from the scatter surface. Please help.

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