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polyScatter -- Spread objects across a surface 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

The script focuses on scattering objects without any unnecessary cluttering or unwanted holes.

Button download


  • 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:09/27/2016
File Size: 6.81 KB


maya, mel, modeling, Tips


Multiple Syntax Errors

Submitted byJWakerley JWakerley
Maya 2013: Multiple syntax errors. 

Comments on this bug:

  • i clemens

    i clemens said almost 11 years ago:

    Take a simple look at the description page here and find: Installation: Just copy the script to any script directory that is accessed via maya. Run the script by executing “icPolyScatter” (without quotes) in the script editor. You may as well build a shelf button for easy access. Also: Hope that helps.
  • JWakerley

    JWakerley said almost 11 years ago:

    Cannot get script to load at all. Please help.
  • i clemens

    i clemens said almost 11 years ago:

    How do you run the script? By loading it in the script editor and then execute it? If so, this is not the right way to run it. What are your steps to reproduce? It's not a known error and the script runs fine for everyone else.
  • JWakerley

    JWakerley said almost 11 years ago:

    Ok, that is how I ran it. How am I supposed to run it? Thanks for the quick response.
  • JWakerley

    JWakerley said almost 11 years ago:

    I've used Maya for years, but stayed well away from MEL. So apologies if I am a little lost.
  • JWakerley

    JWakerley said almost 11 years ago:

    Thank you for your assistance, works now. Having trouble getting it to scatter a water droplet around a bottle, the script keeps making a massive whirlwind of the droplets around it. Changing the offset doesn't appear to be doing anything. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
  • i clemens

    i clemens said almost 11 years ago:

    I just tested you described setup and the script works fine. One thing to note would be that your mesh you want to scatter on needs to have freezed transformations. But other than that I would need a sample and exact description of what you are doing...

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