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polyNurbsIntersect 2.0.3 for Maya (maya script)

split polygonal meshes using NURBS surfaces

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  • 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 8.x, 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Irix
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:04/24/2010
File Size: 11.1 KB



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  • slumberlander

    slumberlander said almost 10 years ago:

    So MARVELOUS, Delicious. still working in maya 2015
  • soyoungcheng

    soyoungcheng said almost 14 years ago:

    Cool...It's a Nice Tool Thank you
  • marc thur

    marc thur said almost 14 years ago:

    Thanks for making this available for Maya 2011. Super !!
  • nowayfra

    nowayfra said about 14 years ago:

    Although it works on most meshes there are always some who just do not want to be cutted properly. Here are a few hints how to handle such cases: - screw up the intersection search depth. Should eventually help when the final split paths are partially disconnected und thus the meshes arent separated - triangulate the mesh before using polyNurbsIntersect -perform a Cleanup on your mesh first. You can use the following command for this: polyCleanupArgList 3 { "0","1","1","0","0","0","1","0","1","1e-005","0","1e-005","0","1e-005","0","1","1" }; Hope it might help.
  • nowayfra

    nowayfra said over 14 years ago:

    Only source polyNurbsIntersect.mel. The interface.mel script needs to be copied into a shelf button or beeing executed from ScriptEditor. AND make sure that your command interpreter is set to MEL.
  • jbakis

    jbakis said over 14 years ago:

    hello really like the sound of this I cant seem to get it to work when I tick any option I get source interface.mel; source polyNurbsIntersect.mel; source interface.mel; source polyNurbsIntersect.mel; // Error: Cannot find procedure "doIntersect". // source interface.mel; source polyNurbsIntersect.mel; // Error: Cannot find procedure "edgeLengthCheckON". // // Error: Cannot find procedure "maxAngleON". // // Error: Cannot find procedure "separateShellsON". // any help would be apprecitated
  • nowayfra

    nowayfra said about 16 years ago:

    hi, i had already tried to use the rayIntersect plugin and use a poly/poly intersection to cut a mesh but the underlying MFnMesh seems to be bound on checking each face of the cutting mesh with each edge vector of the mesh to cut. The method using a nurbs surface with the closestPointOnSurface is on average three times faster with meshes with a very high edge count and at least ten times faster with meshes with few edges. I guess the mathematical description of a nurbs surface allows a single equation with a given input point to query the distance - and even with additional mathematics to find out if an edge intersects this runs faster... Since the oeRay also bases on the MFnMesh i suspect an implementation wouldnt be worth the work
  • jcarey

    jcarey said about 16 years ago:

    good job! you can totally speed it up (or lessen the load) if you use the oeRay python script for finding the intersecting edges quicker. just a thought for future improvements... i may try to slap some of that code in there and send you an update if i have time. thanks!

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