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Pin Tools 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

A script to help on parent constraint.

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  • 2014

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:06/07/2015
File Size: 11.8 KB
1. Pivot Locator Control
Create locator at pivot point. Mainly used for grabbing character's leg firmly on the ground, to fix foot sliding. Also, can be used to control an object using the locator. This would able the object location of character or object to be saved in studio library, same goes for saving animation. 

2. Edge Locator
Using a locator which is created at the surface of the polygon to stick another polygon onto it. The second polygon will follow the surface of the first polygon no matter how  its shape is change or deformed.

3. Place Object
Combine and stick two polygons fast and accurately by determining the vertices placing.

4. Create Locator at Pivot
Allows animator to control an object with more than one pivot point, by using the locator. Animator can use different locator parent constraint to control an object. Making use  together with multiple constraint function.

5. Parent Object To Multiple
Allows parenting to more than one object.

**Just some of my favorite script for animation. Hope that you will like it!

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