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Ninja City 4.3.0 for Maya (maya script)

Builds buildings from moduals and procedural Cities

(qty: 1)

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  • 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:04/08/2019
File Size: 78 MB
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1-10 of 23

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  • collin bishop

    collin bishop said over 12 years ago:

    This is a great plugin. I had to create and extract under a Ninja_Dojo folder under my C: to get everything to source right but it has worked flawlessly since I did this. Good plugin. Hope you are teaching your son some of your scripting skills...
  • travman426

    travman426 said almost 13 years ago:

    Hey I purchased Ninja City because I was looking to build a city that looks like one in the 7th picture there, metal with really reflective windows but I can't seem to find any textures that would build such a city or how to build it. If you could help me out that would be great.
  • teddy-0101

    teddy-0101 said about 13 years ago:

    Hi! Now I want to export the mesh by this script, but I always fail. The error message is only this. // Error: Could not save file "E/~~~~~.mb". What is problem? I delete history, and combine them,but always fail. Could you give me any solution to export this mesh?
  • DigitalTrick

    DigitalTrick said about 13 years ago:

    I just bought this and it isn't working. I followed the instructions that were given and also tried extracting straight to the C drive and using the given path, however it still isn't working and keeps saying syntax error. I am also uncertain why everyone is saying Render Ready when the item is named Ninja City. In a previous post it sounded like someone had a similar issue however the solution was never posted, or the tutorial that was mentioned. The script used was: "C:/Ninja_City/Tools/Ninja_City.mel";Ninja_City("C:/Ninja_City");
  • Brian Keffer

    Brian Keffer said over 13 years ago:

    try to create the city without the create street lights option also in the script editor under the history menu. turn on line numbers in error. then can you send me the error again.
  • sasukesoul

    sasukesoul said over 13 years ago:

    I bought this program and it worked pretty well until I tried to make city. Whenever I try to make city by clicking "building a new random city," maya shows me an error, "//Error: File not found." In short, everything is working, but "City." I don't know why it is not working properly.
  • Young James

    Young James said over 13 years ago:

    I bought yesterday~ Great script~!
  • James Brown

    James Brown said almost 14 years ago:

    that did the trick cheers!
  • Brian Keffer

    Brian Keffer said almost 14 years ago:

    you need the RenderReady folder at the end of the line. it should look like this: source "/Projects/RenderReady/Tools/RenderReady.mel";RenderReady("/Projects/RenderReady"); Make sure to run the convert tool. Its under the the convert menu. just click on the convert all at the bottom.
  • James Brown

    James Brown said almost 14 years ago:

    ok, so im using a mac and ive put the render ready folder into "projects" and put that into my "macintosh HD" which is the same as C drive. I use your line : source "/Projects/RenderReady/Tools/RenderReady.mel";RenderReady("/Projects"); and it seems to load up until this in the script editor: // Error: Could not find RenderReady.mel // updateRendererUI; source "/Projects/RenderReady/Tools/RenderReady.mel";RenderReady("/Projects"); MentalRay already loaded, setting as current renderer// Error: Could not find RenderReady.mel // SO its pretty much that maya cant find the "RenderReady.mel" file, but it is in the folder...any fix for this? Am i doing something wrong??? cheers.

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