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multi copy UV clipboard 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

uv copy using clipboard maya tool

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  • 2009

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:07/06/2009
File Size: 1.13 KB
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  • Shannon Caldwell

    Shannon Caldwell said almost 15 years ago:

    Absolutely fantastic! It does what I have been trying to do in Maya for years. Copy Uvs from one object to another with matching topology, without being destructive!! There are other ways to do it in maya with tools such as transfer attributes. However this technique requires having the source object always in the scene to keep the connection live, or it requires you to collapse the stack on the object receiving the UVs. This default way in Maya is a most destructive workflow and is terrible if you have an already rigged character where you just want to simply transfer UVs over and keep the rest of the rig in tact. So anyways, i have tried time and time again to solve this but had never thought of doing it in the incredibly simple and fast method in this script! Bravo and thank you Kaz2057!

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