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mmListMelScripts.mel 1.0.3 for Maya (maya script)

manage & search scripts in different folders.

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  • 8.x, 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:02/24/2007
File Size: 38.1 KB

latest version:

mel 38 kB, MEL-file


This comes in handy, in order to manage a large amount of scripts, spreaded over a variety of different folders:

Generates a list of all mel-scripts spread over multiple folders, with options to eXecute, Source or Edit the files. A search function is included as well, for better overview over a large amount of scripts.

Right-click on a script lists all global procs within the file with options to show additional information, such as return types and arguments. Right-click on one of the coloured buttons (X, E or S) will bring up additional options, such as "add to shelf", "duplicate file" and "copy file to...".

trennerVersion History:

  • 1.0.3 Added right-click functionality: Add to shelf, duplicate script, copy to folder, open folder, load into script-editor.
  • 1.0.2 Added right-click functionality: searching for global procs and arguments within mel-scripts.
  • 1.0.1 Paths can now be conveniently edited from within Maya. No need to modify the path in the script itself.
  • 1.0.1 First release.


  • Source the script. Execute the following command, in order to run the script: mmListMelScripts();
  • Click on "Preferences".
    If you want to use an external editor to edit the scripts, define it's path under 3.)
    Under 4.) enter as many paths as desired to the folder's containing your mel-scripts

Getting Started

  • The script will generate a list of all mel-scripts in the pre-defined directories.
  • It is possible to quickly filter the list of scripts, by using the integrated search-function. You can use * as a wildcard.

  • To execute a script or a procedure, hit the blue "X"-button. mmListMelScripts
    The script will look into the textfield associated with the button and execute it's text.

  • To source a script, hit the pink "S"-button. mmListMelScripts

  • To edit the script in an external text editor, such as WordPad, hit the green "E"-button. mmListMelScripts

Right Click Options

  • There are several ways of searching, displaying and executing the procedures of a script:
    Right-clicking on a script's texfield opens a popup-menu, which displays the script's filename and lists all it's global procs.


    Selecting one of the procedures from the list, will load it into the textfield. Bold letters indicate, that the content of the textfield has changed. Pressing the blue "X" button will execute the selected procedure.


    An arrow -> besides a procedure indicates, that it's most likely the script's main procedure which e.g. builds the UI or calls all the other procs. Selecting it will set the textfield back to the default font.



  • mmListMelScripts
    This option is activated by default. In case that a procedure has a return value or argument(s), those will be displayed in a sub-menu.


    In case calling the procedure requires some arguments , simply enter those in the textfield in between the brackets and then hit the blue "X" button.



  • mmListMelScripts

    Those two options are deactivated by default. They offer an alternative way of displaying a procedure's return value or argument(s), in a textfield's main right-click menu.



  • Right-clicking on one of the buttons on the left side opens a popup-menu, which displays the script's filename and some additional options.


  • "eXecute", "Source" and "Edit" work exactly as the buttons mmListMelScriptsmmListMelScriptsmmListMelScripts

  • "Duplicate file" will create a copy of the mel-file. Useful to create a backup of a script before modifying it. The copy of "myFile.mel" will be named "myFile_Copy1.mel".


  • "Copy file to..." copies the mel-file into from it's current location to any of the other folder as defined in the preferences. If a file of the same name already exists in the destination directory, the copied file will be named "myFile_Copy1.mel".
  • "Open folder" opens the folder in which the file is located in the file manager.



  • "Add to shelf... -> proc from textField;"
    Creates a shelf button calling the procedure from the textfield e.g. myProc();
  • "Add to shelf... -> source script;"
    Creates a shelf button which will source the script e.g. source "C:myScriptsmyScript.mel";
  • "Add to shelf... -> source script;proc from textField; "
    Creates a shelf button which will source the script and then call the procedure from the textField
    e.g. source "C:myScriptsmyScript.mel"; myProc( );
  • "Add to shelf... ->entire script from file "
    Creates a shelf button containing the whole code of the mell-file.



  • "Print to Script Editor... -> to History"
    Clears the history (the upper area) of the script editor first and then displays the code from the mel-file. Useful to quickly see the code of a script without using an external editor or clearing the input area of Maya's script editor.
  • "Print to Script Editor... -> to Input "
    Clears the input (the lower area) of the script editor first and then loads the code from the mel-file for convenient editing.

Bugs, Limitations and Workarounds:

  • Works only on Windows machines. Tested under Win XP (english Version).

Please use the Bug System to report any bugs.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
Please rate and review in the Review section.

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