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MK Pack r7 1.0 for Maya (maya script)

The pack is developed on Mac OS X, and should...

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  • 6.x, 5.x, 4.x

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  • Irix
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:03/12/2005
File Size: 50.3 KB
The pack is developed on Mac OS X, and should most likely work on other platforms.
Any ideas or suggestions are welcome.

Release Notes
(2003 Sep. 29) - MK Pack r7
- MK_graphEditorPanel 1.0
- MKOffsetKey 1.0
- MKStatuslinePopupMenuButton 1.0.1
- MKShelvesAsMenu 1.1.1
- MKMultiApplyShadersOnObjects 1.0
- MKParentZero3DTextureToObject 1.0

Scene File
- DisplayFrameNumberInView 1.1
File is a scene which contains camera->locator->annotation.
The annotation displays the frame number and custom text.
The locator is movable in X & Y position and can be placed anywhere.
The custom text can be edited, see the expression.

Shelf Files
- shelf__GEW.mel
- shelf__MyPopShelf_.mel

Icon Files
- mk_closeBar.xpm
- MK_GEWicon.xpm
- mk_openBar.xpm
- mk_statuslinepopupmenubutton.xpm
- MK_Step_1.xpm
- MK_Step_10.xpm
- MK_Step1.xpm
- MK_Step10.xpm
- MKWhite.xpm

Channel Box
- MKPrintSelectedChannelBoxChannels 1.0
I use this to quickly set stored attributes on any object, when animating.
Like poses, facial expressions, blends etc.
Much easier to have stored attributes which will be re-used than to re-type them over & over again.
Will print out the selected channels in the channel box as setAttr command.
Use the output to assign to hot key or shelf button.
For usage with more than 1 object it works only when similar object types with similar
channels are selected, will give code line error else of course.

Graph Editor
- MK_graphEditorPanel 1.0
This will load the modified graphEditorPanel.mel file "MK_graphEditorPanel.mel".
This modified script will add 4 buttons that move selected keys either -10 -1 +1 +10 frames.
A popup-menu-button is also added on the graph editor windows button panel.
The menu contains items of a given shelf file "shelf__GEW.mel".

- MKCalcKeyDistance 1.0
Will display the distance between 2 selected keys in the graph editor.

- MKOffsetKey 1.0
Move selected keys n frames either forward or backwards in time.

- MK MultiKeys 1.0
Set multiple keys on animation channels.

- MKShelvesAsMenu 1.1.1
Will create a menu containing all your shelves.

- MKCenterInView 1.0
Center's the selected object(s) in the view.

- MKToggleObjectTemplate 1.0
Will toggle the template of an object.

- MKToggleObjectVisibility 1.0
Will toggle the visibility of an object.

- MKViewAsBBox 1.0
Sets the "Drawing Overrides" to true, and the "Level of Detail" to "Bounding Box", for the selected object(s).

- MKRenderRegionSequenceInView 1.0
Will render a sequence in the render view taken from the render globals.

- MKRenderRegionTime 1.1
Will render a region in the render window and display the time taken.

- MKSnapShot 1.0
Will take a snapshot from the selected view into the render window.

- MKSwitchRenderRes 1.0
Will switch the render resolution between 100-50-25-10%.

- MKTogglePickMasks 1.0
Will toggle on/off all the pick masks.

- MKMultiApplyShadersOnObjects 1.0
Will apply shaders to objects in a sequential name order.

- MKParentZero3DTextureToObject 1.0
Will parent the 3dTextures to the objects and zero their position.

- MKAddShelfItem 1.0
Making shelf items has never been more fun!
I made this script because I download alot of interesting scripts and test them, just as you do.
And testing alot of script gets very very boring and time consuming right!
Therefor I wanted a quick and easy way to create shelf items with full support for "Label & Icon", because doing it in the Shelf Editor is not fun.
Shows a window, which gives the ability to make a shelf item with "Label & Icon".
Instead of the default way of creating shelf items, which only contain the script & default Maya MEL icon.

- MKSelectedToShelf 1.1
Puts each selected object in the current shelf as an item for selection.

Status Line
- MKStatuslinePopupMenuButton 1.0.1
This script will add a popup-menu-button on the (right side + offset) of the status line.
The menu contains the items of a given shelf.

- MKFlatShade 1.0
Will set FlatShade mode.

- MKPointShade 1.0
Will set PointShade mode.

- MKShiftBackgroundColor 1.1
Will shift the background color between black-dark grey-light grey-white.
Also shifting the colors to match the background for the grid, keys, selection handles,
time labels, heads up displays and active curves.

- MKToggleCurSelCamSafeAction 1.1
Will toggle the camera in focus "Safe Action" area.

- MKToggleCurSelCamSafeTitle 1.1
Will toggle the camera in focus "Safe Title" area.

- MKToggleGrid 1.0
Will toggle the grid in a view.

- MKWireOnShaded 1.0
Will toggle on/off WireOnShaded mode.

- MKXRayShade 1.0
Will toggle on/off XRayShade mode.

Please use the Bug System to report any bugs.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
Please rate and review in the Review section.