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melManager 1.1.1 for Maya (maya script)

a window to manage mel scripts

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  • 8.x, 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:04/02/2007
File Size: 28.7 KB
// Authors: Kinders Chen
// vision: free
// melManager.mel;
// source it and type "melManager" ,OK !
// Why did I wrote the mel?
// When I am using,reading or modifying mel Scripts, I have to look up into the dictionaries to
// select the one I need from hundreds of mel scripts.They are hard to manage.I wrote the mel and stored
// them into a new dictionary -- "D:mayamel scripts",in which I built 8 child dictionaries to store 8
// different type of mels. So before running the mel, you must built the 8 dics exactely in the specified
// dic.They are "Model","Animate","Toggle","Interface","Rendering","Tricks","Utility","Dynamics".Then you
// run the mel, click "New Mel",and input your mel name,type,mel text .etc. You can delete it, modify it,
// read it,source it and run it whenever you can.
// The mel cannot be used to manage those,which are exactely pointed out to be stored in the user
// pref dics. Because they are called by other procs in that path.
// If you come upon an error after using it for a few times, try the "Resort" button at the bottom.
// And lastly any other bug or suggestion please email me! Happy with my mel!

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