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MEL Assistant 2.0 for Maya (maya script)

As most MEL scripters know, Maya's Script...

Button download


  • 6.x, 5.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:08/08/2004
File Size: 9.34 KB
As most MEL scripters know, Maya's Script Editor window is a pretty bare, featureless environment for developing MEL scripts. Using a third party Editor provides a superior environment for developing MEL scripts. For example, Crimson Editor supports highlighting of MEL syntax, display of line numbers, Search and Replace, formatting, and many other useful features.

A common workflow is to write and edit a script in an external Editor, and then copy-and-paste it into Maya's Script Editor. This provides an adequate workflow for beginners, but becomes tedious and impractical for larger scripts, or multiple procedures.

The MEL Assistant provides some automation for integrating Maya with an external Editor. It provides buttons within Maya for creating a new script, opening an existing script, or executing the current script.

All these features are 'linked' to the user's preferred external editor, so that you can test the script you're developing with the click of a single button.

For instructions on installing the MEL Assistant, and a tutorial on how to use it, refer to the readme.txt file which accompanies it.

View Readme

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