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Maya Commander 0.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Maya panel similar to Total Commander

Button download


  • 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:06/13/2007
File Size: 17.8 KB
Maya panel similar to Total Commander.
* Multi Object/Scene Import
* File rename
* Source scripts from any location on you hard drive
* Automatic project creation an assigning
* Image preview
* Multi tab support
* Drag-n-Drop support ( Copy, Move, Delete )

Extract mwBrowser.rar to C:Documents and Settings<User>My Documentsmaya8.5scripts

Call "mwSourceBrowser" command.

// Tip:
MMB + Ctrl[Drag]  ( Copy selected files )
MMB + Shift[Drag] ( Move selected files )

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