LightMan.mel - MEL SCRIPT
Use Mass LightMan to manage lights within your Maya scene in groups. The menu that pops up allows you to change attributes for the groups labelled 'Key Lights', 'Bounce Lights', "Fill Lights', and 'Rim Lights'. To update all lights in the desired group, click the 'Update' button at the bottom of the window.
If you want a light to not be affected by any of the update buttons, on the 'Light Grouping' attribute, selected "Independent Light".
If you change the Light Grouping attribute while the menu window is open, click the "Update Light Groups" button, and then you can continue to update the light attributes.
Put LightMan.mel into your default Maya scripts directory.
Windows Users: My Documents/maya/x.x/scripts/
Mac Users: user/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/x.x/scripts/
Replace x.x with your version of Maya
In Maya's command line, type the following: LightMan();
Highlight the line, and then select File->Save Selected to Shelf. Use the Shelf Editor to assign the icon included to the shelf button. To start Mass LightMan, click on the icon on your shelf.
Place the LightMan.bmp icon in the prefs/icons folder. The prefs folder is located in the same directory as your scripts folder. Using the Shelf Editor, you can apply the icon and remove the default title on the shelf button.
Tucker Abbott -
Copyright ©2011 Tucker Abbott - All Rights Reserved
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