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LocOnLoc 4.6.0 for Maya (maya script)

Create locators on selected objects, vertices, edge or face centers and bake animation to them.

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  • 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x, 4.x, 3.x, 2.x, 1.x

Operating Systems

  • Irix
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:06/07/2011
File Size: 4.11 KB

Version History


v4.6 - 15.05.2011
- Linux Maya 2010 UI fix
- z rotation for Custom Object Aim uses now the up vector of the selected object.

v4.4 - 03.04.2011
- Custom Object Rotation
- Custom Object Aim
- UI adjustments

v4.3 - 02.04.2011
- Group check box off by default
- Scale 100 Button

v4.2 - 02.05.2010
- Group check box added

v4.1 - 14.04.2010
- Again really massive restructuring of the script
- UI added that can be open all the time with scale and rotation and bake control.
- The Autokey button is no longer needed for animation baking, there is now a checkbox in the UI.
- Normal constrain of locators now possible without animation baking.
- Custom scale input field.
- Only one ui, previous windows removed.
- Two nice progress bars integrated in UI.
- Backing process interuptable with ESC.
- Backing now works correct for face centers and smooth polygon preview vertices.
- Tested with Maya 2011

v3.6 - 22.03.2010
- Reorganized script for baking animation for everything selected at once in selected time range if autokey is on.
  This massivly speeds up baking animation.
- LocOnLoc Scale Check: Choose scale to 1, 10, 100, original scale or avarage uniform scale.
- LocOnLoc Bake Animation Check: Choose Bake to Transform, Bake to Normal or Cancel.
- Optimized Undo Queue
- Security check for nothing selected improved.
- New LocOnLoc Universal Method for transform nodes, vertices, control vertices and edge centers.
- Feedback on elapsed time, number of locators and timerange.
- Progress bar for locator cycle and total percentage of animation bake process.

v3.0 - 18.03.2010
- Bake Animation for objects and vertices (if Autokey is on).
- Renaming ":" to "_"  - no more warning messages.

v2.4 - 14.03.2010
- LocOnLoc Face Method now gets the scale of the transform node.

v2.4 - 14.03.2010
- fixed a bug introduced in LocOnLoc Smooth Poly Method.

v2.3 - 14.03.2010
- LocOnLoc Smooth Poly Method added: A vertex for a polygon in smooth preview mode will get the locator at smooth position (yellow dot).
- Renaming nurbs cv based locators improved - no more warning messages.

v2.2 - 11.03.2010
- LocOnLoc Vertex/Edge Method improved: Locators can now be placed at an edge center.
- Face selection detection improved for cases with two or more "f" in name.
- Renaming of component based locators improved - no more warning messages.

v2.1 - 11.03.2010
- LocOnLoc Face Method added: For selected faces, locators are now placed in the center of the polygon. It is the same center that you can snap to if you turn on the blue dot (Display->Polygons->Face Centers).
- Another safety mechanism added for the rare case, that an object with the name LocOnLocLocator already exists.

v1.9 - 01.03.2010
- LocOnLoc now has a constrain mode and a component mode. This makes sure, that the locator for a transform node is placed at its pivot.

v1.8 - 20.02.2010
- Added a safety mechanism. If an object has another object parented to it, the objects vertices are named something like this "pCubeShape1.vtx[4]" instead of this "pCube1.vtx[4]".
LocOnLoc takes care of it and select the transform node.

v1.7 - 20.02.2010
- Locators on components such as vertex or control vertex now get the rotation and scale of their transform node.

v1.6 - 18.02.2010
- First public release.