Kyle's Editable Context Sensitive Marking Menus - Info
Author: Kyle Hug, with additional menus from yashu.
Current Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 8/31/07
Q. What is a "context sensitive marking menu"?
A. Basically it is a menu that builds it's menu structure, based on what is selected. For example you can have a completely different menu for vertices than you do for edges, and maya will automatically load a separate menu for each depending on which you have selected.
Q. What is so great about your scripts?
A. By default these context sensitive menus are not easily editable in maya. Maya has assembled some of the most common tools you would need, but it still doesn't allow you to easily add or remove features you or do not want unless you actually edit the scripts that they are built from. What my scripts do is allow you to edit these menus in a slightly modified version of Maya's existing marking menu editor. You can then edit and build the context sensitive marking menus just as you would a normal custom marking menu. I have also included some of the tools and features I use with the menus I've provided but thats the great thing about my scripts is that you can add or remove anything you don't want or need.
The days of switching through shelves or hunting through the file menu are over. These scripts allow the user to maximize their workflow in Maya by providing them with the means to build their own customized and quickly accessible context sensitive marking menus, so that they can quickly access the tools they use the most.
I have modified maya's marking menu editor so that it can also edit the context sensitive marking menus that I provide. The previous version of my marking menus (the More Good'r menus) were not editable and weren't much more than a personalized version of yashu's menus which provided additional functionality for features like nurbs and subdivs. I thought that was awesome and I wanted to incorporate those menus into my menus, so I did. Big Thanks to yashu for those menus btw :)
Basically all I did was create a script that copies all of the menu data from a standard editable marking menu in the 'prefsmarkingMenus' folder to a context sensitive marking menu of the same name in the 'scripts' folder and adds appropriate script to it so it can be called as a context sensitive menu by maya. I then modified the contextPolyToolsMM.mel file to call those menu scripts instead of the defaults.
To customize a context menu, just edit the appropriate klh_mmTools menu in maya's marking menu editor. You may get a warning your first time loading the marking menu editor after installing the scripts. Just accept the menus. Save your changes with the regular save button when you are finished customizing them how you like. A message will be printed in the feedback line confirming that the context menu has been updated.
DO NOT RENAME ANY OF THE MENUS. Doing so will break the script and make you sad. If you accidentally rename one you can try changing the name back, but I'm not making any promises. You may have to reinstall the scripts or manually edit the broken ones yourself.
Known issues
Currently the additional menus provided by yashu are not editable. These include any of the nurbs or subdiv based menus. I will have to change some things with in these scripts to get them to work and I just don't have time right now. :(
In order for changes you've made to context menus to take affect you will need to restart maya. This is probably something I won't be able to change, but it's not a serious issue.
There are some instances when you may get an error if you try to edit the same menu twice during the same maya session. If this happens just restart maya and try it again and that should take care of it. I think this is caused by fclose not closing a file. I will look in to it more if I get around to releasing another version.
Problems installing when using the included bat file?
If you experience problems while installing with the batch file you can install the mel files manually into your 'My Documentsmaya' folder. Just copy the 'prefs' and 'scripts' folders into your My Documentsmaya"version" folder.
Shift key backwards?
I prefer to use my context menus with out the shift key. To do this I modified the ModelEdMenu.mel file under the scripts folder. If this is something you don't like you can change it back to the default by deleting that file from the scripts directory.
Feel free to email me at, with any questions or concerns.
- Cheers
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