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JPose and Animation Tool 1.2.2 for Maya (maya script)

Easily create mirrored versions of poses and animation

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  • 2017, 2016, 2015

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:11/23/2016
File Size: 32.5 KB
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1-3 of 3

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  • Arthur Ramazanov

    Arthur Ramazanov said over 7 years ago:

    Hello, this is a very handy script -

    I do wish for one feature though which I think would be rather easy to add.

    "mirror axis" if you set it to currently copy pastes the translate AND rotate into the controls you are mirroring right? My current rig is set up in such a way where my Rotates are same I set it to None...but my translates are Opposites...

    So if I were to be able to just throw a checkbox for mirror axis "None" for rotate and Global for translate. Like if they were separated would be SUPER helpful because all rigs are set up differently...

    Would be super handy for mirroring side-scroller animations

  • banter3

    banter3 said over 7 years ago:

    Works flawlessly - Push button mirroring, reversing, with control on a tool that's easy to use - literally takes 10 seconds to mirror animations to the T.  Best twenty bucks I've spent in a long time.  Saved me countless hours.
  • darren oakes

    darren oakes said over 8 years ago:

    I've used a lot of mirroring and pose tools. Some just work intermittently and some work ok with a lot of setup. This is simple to set up and use. It works really well!! The ability to give each control it's own mirroring axis is also very useful. Great tool, will save you a lot of time when animating with deadlines!!

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