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Interactive Tool 1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Basically, what the script does is makes...

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  • 6.x


Last Modified:07/12/2005
File Size: 5.86 KB
Basically, what the script does is makes (currently) extrude, merge, and bevel become more interactive. This means, you don't need to find the attributes in the channel box, click on it and drag, or even mess with manipulators.
I suppose it's a more manipulator-less approach to the tools.

Installation: Extract into your /scripts directory, then source interactiveTool.mel. Read the 'readme' file for more information.

Updated in v1.0.1 just adds a smaller increment value with the interactive Merge when using the MMB. In other words, the LMB and MMB have different increments to alter the merge tolerance.

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