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Import Export Driven Keys 0.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

File importer and exporter for driven keys

Button download


  • 8.x, 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Windows


Last Modified:05/22/2007
File Size: 5.32 KB


athmi rai, highend3d

mm_impexDrivenKeys.mel exports and imports driven keys with default tangents from all the scene or the selected objects in a simple, ASCII, file format. An example of usage would be the need for re-using the driven keys created on the fingers of a character to the other characters in a project, assuming the naming of the objects and attributes remains the same.
WARNING: this script won't export edited tangents, but recreates the default ones! The desired behavior should be obtained by adding more keyframes, rather editing the tangents. Maybe a future version will support this feature if someone will request it.
There are different versions for Windows and Linux because of different file browser commands for these platforms. Mac testers are welcome to contact me for a "port" :).

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