Bake an animated, projected or procedural texture to the UV's of an object as an image sequence. Optionally, bake this, or another sequence as a luminance map to animate the strength of a blendshape on an object with the same UV's.
Type Python script "imgSeqBlendshapeBaker()" in commandLine to Run
Image Directory: Select output for where the image sequence will be baked.
File Name: Specify the name of the image sequence
Image Sequence: If not baking an image sequence, select an existing sequence.
NOTE: Image sequence must be named with no padding as follows: sequenceName.#.jpg
Checkboxes: Select whether to Bake Image Sequence, bake to blendshape, or both.
Object: Select object with the UV's the image sequence will be baked to.
Texture: Select a texture which has the attribute outColour that you are baking.
HINT: Select object and texture in viewport and press the "select" button.
Blendshape Object: Select object with the Blendshape applied to it that will be animated according to the luminance of the image sequence.
Frames: Specify the frame range of the animation.
Resolution & Format: Set the resolution of the baked images and the file format.
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