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Holomyd 4.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

A series of scripts to create holograms and set them up for a hologram pyramid rig.

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  • 2014


Last Modified:02/05/2014
File Size: 30 MB


PHP, image combine, Rig

Welcome to my 3D Hologram Rig and Render Setup scripts for Maya.

Using these scripts you can create your own holograms to be used with a hologram pyramid rig. If you don't know what that is, a quick google search or viewing my quick test demo video ( will will give you an idea.

What is included:
-CameraRigMelScriptV4.mel- This script allows you to create the proper camera setup for this type of animation.
-imagecombine.php- This script is used to take your renders and rerender them properly for the physical rig.
-README- Instrucions on what everything does and how to properly use them.
-Example- Contains an example of a model w/animation already set up and rendered. All you have to do is run the imagecombine script.

This is my senior thesis project so parts of it may still be buggy. Please feel free to email me with any questions and I will try my best to get back to you asap.

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