If u r doing a lot of test renders like i did, u'll find the batch render in maya menu sucks, a whole bunch of "garbage" info will flood ur script editor info, and u won't tell what happened when u want to see the code.
only if u quit maya, and restart, u can have a clean script editor. But voila, u lose the track of the rendering progress, u can only check the image output directory. or check the mayabatch.exe process in the task manager.
Basically what this script does is to launch a command line render, and show the current rendered file name, rendering frame range , and rendering start time on the title of the command window. In this way , u get the beauty of both worlds. that is, clean script editor, and rendering progress info.
if ur scene is not saved, there will be a warning dialogue.

and on the main UI, there r some RMB context menus, u can explore the image output path, and open render globals attribute editor , or change the percentage of render if u r doing test renders.
if u manually entered the image output path , or changed the frame range in the text field, remember to hit enter, or the batch render command line will not be updated.
if u want the command window to keep opened after the rendering, u can change the launch command in my script from "cmd /c" to something like "cmd /k". u can get the cmd details with "cmd /?" in a command prompt window.
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