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GT 3 Point Set Rotation 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Sets an object's rotation based off of 3 points

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  • 8.x, 7.x

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  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:12/29/2006
File Size: 4.27 KB
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  • malcolm341

    malcolm341 said almost 15 years ago:

    Figured it out you need to source both scripts to get it working. Drop the below in a button and it will work. source gt3ptSetRotation.mel; source gtFunctions.mel; gt3ptSetRotation;
  • malcolm341

    malcolm341 said almost 15 years ago:

    Doesn't work for me either same problem here, I have both mel scripts in C:\Users\malcolm\Documents\maya\scripts and when I select the third vert I get this // Error: Cannot find procedure "gt3vertDCM". //
  • heathgr

    heathgr said almost 18 years ago:

    orpla, there should be two mel scripts you need to have in your scripts folder. gt3ptSetRotation.mel and gtFunctions.mel. I know this might be a little confusing but the prodedures I have in gtFunctions.mel get used by more than one of my scripts so it made sense to put them all in their own separate file. Send me a message if you keep having problems.
  • orpla

    orpla said almost 18 years ago:

    I already checked your answer out but whatever I try I still get this message "Error: Cannot find procedure "gt3vertDCM".

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