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Free Control Curves UI 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Tool for easily creating and editing rigging control curves for Maya.

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  • 2019, 2018

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


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  • rana123

    rana123 said 26 days ago:

    Hey! im using 2024, te comment from Marco really helped me but i still had an error, to fix it you have to do what Marco says:

    Replace in the file:

    import maya.cmds as cmds
    import bs_controls as bsCon

    bsUtils = bsCon.BSControlsUtils()
    bsData = bsCon.BSControlsData()


    import maya.cmds as cmds
    import bs_controls as bsCon
    from importlib import reload

    bsUtils = bsCon.BSControlsUtils()
    bsData = bsCon.BSControlsData()

    AND ALSO in the importer button in your shelf change add this line at the top of the code: 

    from importlib import reload

    so the code in your maya shelf button should be: 

    from importlib import reload


    import bs_controlsUI




    bsCon = bs_controlsUI.BSControlsUI()



  • Marco

    Marco said 29 days ago:

    Hi everyone,

    If you're having trouble running the bsControls script, try opening the file in a text editor and modifying the code. Replace:

    import maya.cmds as cmds
    import bs_controls as bsCon

    bsUtils = bsCon.BSControlsUtils()
    bsData = bsCon.BSControlsData()


    import maya.cmds as cmds
    import bs_controls as bsCon
    from importlib import reload

    bsUtils = bsCon.BSControlsUtils()
    bsData = bsCon.BSControlsData()

    This change fixed the issue for me—hope it helps! 👌

    A bit of the reasoing behind it:

    In Python 2, the reload() function was built directly into the language, so you could call it without any additional imports. However, in Python 3, it has been removed from the global namespace as part of an effort to streamline the language’s import system. Now, if you need to reload a module, you must import reload explicitly from the importlib module like this:

    from importlib import reload


    NAOKI_OHTA said about 2 months ago:

    It worked for maya 2020. Thank you kindly!
  • guigui006

    guigui006 said over 1 year ago:

    did not work at all ! couldnt load into the program
  • Eugenealazar418

    Eugenealazar418 said over 1 year ago:

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  • Kingen

    Kingen said over 5 years ago:

    This is excellent!! Thank you for your effort
  • Joel Anderson

    Joel Anderson said over 5 years ago:


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