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Export commandline renderScript 1.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

Render multiple scenes at once from within Maya. Automatically restart renders after a crash.

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  • 2022

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:04/27/2022
File Size: 261 KB
Export commandline renderScript v1.0.0

- Render multiple scenes at once, or render different frameranges of the same scene.
- No need to use an external programme, works from within Maya.
- Create a batch script and run it with the windows commandline, without having to wait for maya to start rendering.
- The script detects which frames have already been rendered, and starts rendering at the last one. No need to reset the frameranges when restarting render.
- If mayabatch crashes, the script detects that the renderJob is not done, and automatically restarts the render at the last frame. 

For information on how to use, see video tutorial and skip to 4 minutes 20 seconds.

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