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Dynamics FK joint chains 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Create dynamic objects driven by FK controls.

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  • 2014


Last Modified:12/06/2015
File Size: 12.2 KB


maya, Rig, joints, hair, fk, autorig

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  • narongtum

    narongtum said over 6 years ago:

                                                   You save my life ha ha .but actually I stuck ,somehow the second or the third joint chain is have a problem when I click ‘build rig’ my joint is ‘snap’ all the chain to the previous joint
    I already set the unique the name, first joint, last joint but this problem keep happen.
                                                        I notice that if I check choose to an existing hairSystem this problem will occur , but what I choose create every new hairSystem the output it seem pretty normal. Please take a look.

    Anyway thank you very much for creating this I learn a lot of thing from you.

  • UKDP

    UKDP said about 9 years ago:

    It's the Interactive playback button, you can find it in the Dynamics menu > Solver >Interactive playback.
  • Ali_as hasan

    Ali_as hasan said about 9 years ago:

    play button fail - add play button code where?? [img][img/]
  • UKDP

    UKDP said about 9 years ago:

    Thanks for your review Scorpion_laz. The script do work for several joint chains, the fact is, if you work with several joint chains, you have to name each object with a different name so there will be no renaming problem during the nodes creation. Take a look at the video to see an example of use with multiple joint chains. For the second issue, I don't exactly understand what you mean. What's the point in scaling the nucleus (that's a real question, I don't often work with dynamics actually)? Once again, I advise you to refer to the video: when I parent the groups to the character hierarchy I just leave the dynamic group out of it, so it isn't scaled or modified in any way. You can create a group parented to the world for all the dynamics groups to keep your scene clear. Hope I answered your questions, if you have any other issue please tell me. Good day :)
  • Scorpion_laz

    Scorpion_laz said over 9 years ago:

    This script works nicely but only for one chain. The second one isn’t created because of identical node names. One more issue: if I change the scale in Nucleus node, the dynamics stops working correctly (it’s difficult to describe—easier just to try). Good luck with new versions!

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