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Duplicate Along Curve 1.4.4 for Maya (maya script)

Duplicate Objects Along a Curve

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  • 2011

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:07/27/2011
File Size: 4.53 KB
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1-4 of 4

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  • montaristis

    montaristis said over 12 years ago:

    Nice Job... One of the best for architecture! Thanks.
  • Ongaku

    Ongaku said about 13 years ago:

    Great script, very powerful and easy to use, i highly recommend it. I just wanted to make a suggestion, instead of asking for the number of duplicates, personally i would prefer to introduce the distance between each piece. It would save a lot of second guessing when i'm trying to make bigger tracks. Thanks
  • tarjep

    tarjep said over 13 years ago:

    I'm having trouble executing this script as well. I've just copied both files into the scripts folder in maya, but whenever I'm trying to duplicate along a curve the progressbar stays at 0% and nothing happens. The script looks sweet, but kinda useless if you don't know how to install it propely. I'm om Win7,maya 2012 x64 Hotfix 4
  • marc thur

    marc thur said over 13 years ago:

    How to install this? I have 2 scripts. Please advise me, thanks. Marcthur

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