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dRiggingTool 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

A simple skeleton builder and autorigging tool

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  • 2008

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:08/18/2008
File Size: 290 KB
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  • Geuse

    Geuse said almost 16 years ago:

    Hi, I've had problem figuring out how to write the path syntax for the since I use a custom config folder for all of my scripts. So essentially, I have a Maya env using relative paths to all my scripts directories and added the "PYTHON_Scripts" folder to the "PYTHONPATH" variable in there. But I guess I need to alter the aswell so instead of having it read like an absolute path which it is now I'm interested in modifying it. with userSetup.mel all you really need is sourcing the scripts that needs to be sourced and then Maya.env tells maya too look in the various scripts folder specified. However in it seems you have to add the path aswell even though it is added in the maya.env? and I'm unsure how to do this in python language. Seems like you did a great job on it though so I'd really like to test it out. Keep it up!
  • StudioCg3d

    StudioCg3d said over 16 years ago:

    Works As Said Easy Install a Must For MBder

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