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Directory path change script 1.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

The script enables a user to change the directory path of all file nodes in the scene in one go.

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  • 2012, 2011, 2010

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:04/20/2012
File Size: 16.9 KB

Version History


I made a minor tweak to the scipt so that one can search for a file name with  "a search keyword" . There are few limitations though, mainly:


   * While updating specific files in the scene, user has to make sure that the file naming conventions are such that  the string which one wants to search among the file-names should have the occurrence of it's first character  before it's duplicate entry .


For example:-

     Searching for file with the file-name "scene01_Spec01.tga" with search keyword "spec" won't be found by the script as character "s" occurs before the "Spec" word. In contrast to this, the same keyword search will give a match if the file convention is like spec01_scene0.tga.


 * Moreover the search is case sensitive.