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Davveys Lego Generator 1.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Davveys Lego Generator

Button download


  • 8.x, 7.x, 6.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:07/01/2007
File Size: 193 KB
This is just for FUN and to take you back to being a Kid!!! Its a chance to make something from Lego but doing it inside Maya. Its a work in progress and I will being adding more parts.

Note:- Any Duplicate files contained in any of my script packs can be used. Just ensure you copy the latest version of any file. These script packs are being built up using some common utility type scripts which are shared across more than one pack.

Version 1.1.0
Added Windows, Doors and Wall Elements.

Description Section

These Scripts will build dimensionally accurate Lego Parts.

Usage Section
Type DVY_Lego in command line or middle mouse drag it to a shelf. There is an Icon file supplied to use with the Shelf Button.

This script calls a GUI where options can be selected to generate dimensionally accurate Lego Parts.

After construction the Parts are named according to Colour (if selected) Part type, and Number of Pitches of Lego and a sequential number. If there is a Part of exactly the same size and type the script will automatically number the Part with next available number. The Names used in the naming are based on the naming convention used in the Option Menu list which are based on the standard Parts from the Lego Parts List.

The pitch of Lego parts are 8 mm in X and Z Axis and either 3.2 or 9.6 mm in Y Axis

Note:- The Scale of the Parts will be adjusted to set correct size relevant to the correct size for the Users Maya Unit settings i.e mm, cm, m, in, ft, yd.

If there are any additional Lego Parts you would like added to the list please let me know at and I will try and add them to the scripts.

See and check out "Get a Brick" link to locate required parts. Drop me an e-mail with part no. required.


Just install scripts in any Maya script path and install Icon in Maya/Prefs/Icons directory (to use with any Shelf button).

Installation example (for Maya 8.0):

1. Install scripts in the Maya Script directory
E:Documents and Settings/Davvey/My Documents/Maya8.0/scripts

2. Install all icons (xpm files) in
E:Documents and Settings/Davvey/My Documents/Maya8.0/prefs/icons

Thanks and enjoy any comments good or bad let me know at Also please rate the scripts if you like them and any feedback on additions required.

"Lego" is a trademark of The Lego Group. These scripts etc are not endorsed
by The Lego Group nor does it receive endorsement from it. It is just for fun.
All trademarks and copyrights are respected.


Please use the Bug System to report any bugs.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
Please rate and review in the Review section.

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