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Davveys Gear Generator 1.0.3 for Maya (maya script)

Davveys Gear Generator

Button download


  • 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x, 4.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:04/07/2007
File Size: 63.3 KB
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1-10 of 16

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  • io ivn

    io ivn said over 13 years ago:

    Hi, i need to build a complex machines with mani of the Davveys tools but i cannot make them work in maya 2011, has someon a clue how to do that? any help would be nice
  • Benjamin Chan

    Benjamin Chan said about 14 years ago:

    Hi how can I install in Mac OS?
  • Ivan Flack

    Ivan Flack said about 14 years ago:

    Davvey Just discovered this today. I am using it in Maya 2011 but I am a relative newcomer to the Maya. Your script is a super add on for some work I am doing. But I have one question - Is there anyway of putting 2 or more gears (for example) into the scene and connecting then in such a way that when I rotate 1 of then using the Rotate tool, the others will rotate as well? I have parented 2 gears but then they rotate around each other and not around their individual centre points. I was looking for a tutorial on this sort of thing but to no avail. Any help greatly appreciated.
  • Rtist

    Rtist said over 14 years ago:

    working fine so far, the gears are not as picture'd, will need to swap out and recreate all the geometry later, but it will save time in layout.
  • Angel Nieves

    Angel Nieves said over 16 years ago:

    Great scripts! even tho I'm not a technical artist by trade, your scripts (same for chains script)are a time saver for fantasy and scifi work as well... very handy for the CGS steampunk challenge ;)
  • gormanj

    gormanj said over 17 years ago:

    Excellent script.
  • Stevenlotus

    Stevenlotus said almost 18 years ago:

    thanx Davvey
  • Davvey

    Davvey said almost 18 years ago:

    Hi This is an error due to how Maya on Mac works. I have had this with a few script and I have put a correction up today. It is ver 1.0.3 but fornt page is showing ver 1.0.2 Davvey
  • drkucho

    drkucho said almost 18 years ago:

    i got this error all the time , any help? DVY_Gears; // Error: -onCommand1 "textField -edit -enable false SelectGrp01;\ // // Error: Unterminated string. // // Error: -onCommand1 "textField -edit -enable false SelectGrp01;\ // // Error: Unterminated string. // // Error: -onCommand2 "textField -edit -enable true SelectGrp01;\ // // Error: Unterminated string. // // Error: -offCommand2 "textField -edit -enable false -tx \"\" SelectGrp01;\ // // Error: Unterminated string. // // Error: -onCommand3 "textField -edit -tx \"\" -enable false SelectGrp01;\ // // Error: Syntax error // // Error: radioButtonGrp -edit -sl 1 GearGrpRadioButton;" // // Error: Unterminated string. //
  • carlos

    carlos said about 18 years ago:


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