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ctShatter 2.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

cuts an object any number of times inside it bound

Button download


  • 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:12/11/2008
File Size: 34.3 KB
Version 2.0 includes a variation of the standard SolidShatter shatter effect to generate noisy edges and interior extruded geometry, see changelog for full details.

ctShatter utilizes the poly cutFaces tool to cut an object into multiple pieces inside it's bounding box. It then seperates all the pieces into their own shape instead of one combined shape. Most options are self explanatory, going above 100 cuts on the slider takes a while to compute, but it does actually compute. The extrude checkbox simply runs an extrude command after all the cuts are made so the user can add a little depth into their cut pieces instead of using flat polys, the Open and Close gaps button rewrite each polycut node's offset values to either .001 (so there's no intercollision errors) or pushes them farther apart in increments of .05 grid units.

Usage: source the script, then just type ctShatter in your script line at the bottom of the screen to open the window.

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