*** VIEWPORT 2.0 not supported
- csScale - Scale converter lib
- csMeasure - Measure tool and distance conveter - linear and curve - measurement displays in ( mm, cm, m, km, in, ft, yd, ml )
- csSpeed - Speed display - speed displays in - kilometers per hour (kph), miles per hour (miph), meters per second (mps), feet per second (ftps)
- Change csDist_worldScale() in the mel script to the desired world and maya units for your project and save
- Source the mel script csScale.mel
----------- MEASURE TOOL - csMeasure -----------
Option 1:
- Run command: csScale_csMeasure();
- This will give 2 locators with a distances read out, you can change the unit of measure by selecting the measure node and change "Linear Display" in the channel box
Option 2:
- If a curve is selected before you run the command it will give a dynamic updated curve length, you can change the unit of measure by selecting the measure node and change "Linear Display" in the channel box
----------- SPEED TOOL - csSpeed -----------
- Select an object that is animated
- Run command: csScale_csSpeed();
- You can change the unit of speed by selecting the speed node and change "Linear Display" in the channel box