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Copy/mirror deformer weights 2.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

This script allows you to copy/mirror deformers' weights from one object to another or within one mesh. Very easy to use.

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  • 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Windows


Last Modified:10/27/2021
File Size: 1.96 KB
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  • julioingalls

    julioingalls said over 1 year ago:

    This is a great product
  • problemcat

    problemcat said almost 6 years ago:

    Works great on Maya 2018! Bit pricey though.
  • Marvinhorn

    Marvinhorn said over 14 years ago:

    64 Bit required a separate script, but this works like a dream.
  • Marvinhorn

    Marvinhorn said over 14 years ago:

    A wee description of how it works wouldn't go a miss.

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