Camera Import Export tool. This script makes possible camera transfer between MAYA MAX and LIGHTWAVE. Suported properties are Position, Orientation, Lens, Render W/H, FilmBack, Aspect ratios. Final result is 100% match in render image. Camera is with preserved time and mesurment UNITS, Corect Up axis.
Now The final release is done (i hope). I did 2 versions of the script, furst is constrain based transfer (motion blur and gimble lock issue), other version is rotation based. Both do the same.
Just run the script for desired software. It is recomended to use empty scene for transfers, becouse import function will match FPS , UNITS and RENDER SETTING of source scene. So if you export 24fps animation import module will change target scene fps to 24. It can afect existing animations or expressions based on time.
Max And Maya Bug Fixed: Try to change camera name in TXT if you have problems with maya, see info.txt
Script Author: Evil Kornholio
Version: FINAL 1.0
Last Updated: 1/23/2007
Version Requirement: Should work with 5 and up, tested with MAYA 8.5, LIGHTWAVE 9.0, MAX 9.0
Requirements: For Constrained LW version see included plugin in rar.
Detailed Info
SCRIPT FEATURES: Animated properties: Position Orientation Lens Non Animated: Render Width Render Height Filmback Pixel Aspect Ratio Respected properties: Linear Units: Units will be converted to match current scene units. So if the incoming camera has position 5cm on X, imported result will be 5cm on X in the current scene units. For example incoming Key_Position_X 5 (exported units meters) will apear as Key_Position_X 12.7 (current scene units inches). Time Units: If the original animation is 24fps, imported scene will be set to 24fps too. In some cases (MAYA) Custum FPS are not suported. (year 2007 maya version 8.5 !?!?!?! can you beleive ?! try 13fps for example......) So in case of 13 fps incoming animation, in MAYA imported scene will keep default fps and incoming freme number 13 will be still freme number 13. To get correct time, animation must be rescaled in graph editor manualy. IMPORTANT!!! SOFTWARE RESTRICTIONS: LightWave: No way to change rotation orders. Thats why, imported camera apears under NULLS herrachy. It is the easy way to simulate diferent rotation orders and still to see normal curves in graph editor. Now way to get world rotation without GIMBLE LOCK. Aditional plugin needed for constarined vesrion. MAYA: No way to set custom FPS. Some naming convertion troubles. MAX: No problems at now... WHY 2 DIFERENT VERSIONS OF THE SCRIPT: Becouse of the GIMBLE LOCK issue, motion blur can be diferent in diferent packages. To resolve that, i did ROTATION based trensfer and CONSTRAIN based transfer. In Rotation Based version, the goal is to stay as close as possible to original camera rotations. Disadvantage is GIMBLE LOCK in some frames. In those frames Motion blur will be scrap... In Constrain Based version, camera rotation is represented by Target and UPvector. So in that "Rotationless" way, motion blur will be correct all the time. Disadvantage is 2 parasite nulls 1km away of the camera, and invisible camera rotation data. Theose nulls or locators or etc, can`t be closer becouse the calculated resul will be inaccurate. For LightWave, you need (included in archive) RV_ORINET plugin to link camera and nuls. (year 2007 LightWave version 9..... still no way to get aim and Up vector constrain.) Text File structure description: Constrain version: Furst line: ID CameraName FPS RenderWidth RenderHeight ImageAspectRatio PixelAspectRatio FilmbackWidth FilmbackHeight ScaleMultiplier UpAxis SoftwareID NextLines: FrameNumber CameraPositionX CameraPositionY CameraPositionZ TargetPositionX TargetPositionY TargetPositionZ UpVectorPositionX UpVectorPositionY UpVectorPositionZ Lens HorizontalFov VerticalFov Rotation version: Furst line: ID CameraName FPS RenderWidth RenderHeight ImageAspectRatio PixelAspectRatio FilmbackWidth FilmbackHeight ScaleMultiplier UpAxis RotationOrder NextLines: FrameNumber PositionX PositionY PositionZ RotationX RotationY RotationZ Lens HorizontalFov VerticalFov Fell free to modify and use code as you wish. Just let me know, and ADD LINE INSIDE YOUR APLICATION: Used reference: "CAMERA I/O" : PLEASE REPORT BUGS !!!! author: EvilKornholio
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