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BrickWallBuilder 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

MEL script to quickly create customizable brick wall.

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  • 2014

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:03/24/2016
File Size: 2.82 KB


Modelling, scripts, mel

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  • pressdismiss

    pressdismiss said almost 2 years ago:

    This script calls a GUI where options can be selected to generate dimensionally accurate Lego Parts tunnel rush.
  • Deanefferson

    Deanefferson said about 2 years ago:

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  • Mad_Mk

    Mad_Mk said over 7 years ago:

    great little script, i have one feature request would it possible to have all bricks be an instance of the first as then you could simpy effect all with editing 1 uv mapping and assigning textures would be quicker. also performance would improve if they were all instances

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