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BNC - semi-dynamic branch growth system 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

precise branch growing system

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Last Modified:05/25/2010
File Size: 1.22 MB
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  • Tea-Rexx

    Tea-Rexx said over 9 years ago:

    found it last night tho their wasn't that much information on it, with the closestPointOnCurve is that all curves or just the root?
  • Ivan Arsic

    Ivan Arsic said over 9 years ago:

    u need to be better at googling. go download maya bonus tools , install it and then u need to enable closestPointOnCurve from plugins menu.
  • Tea-Rexx

    Tea-Rexx said over 9 years ago:

    there is no "closestPointOnCurve" in maya 2016, it only has point on curve i have googled this for a week now and iv come up with nothing (no tutorials ' nothing ), I'm not a maya expert (student) and i have read the instructions over and over again
  • Ivan Arsic

    Ivan Arsic said over 9 years ago:

    well its obvious that u DIDNT read instructions and you didnt even read the warning ... anyway this is from instructions :NOTICE: you will need to have "closestPointOnCurve" now go google it and new universe will open for u :)
  • Tea-Rexx

    Tea-Rexx said over 9 years ago:

    Instructions are a mess, Guide doesn't make sense with its steps currently stuck at step 4 , Video Tutorial would be great. Script comes up with Error // Error: line 20: Command rebuildCurve failed. Open Script Editor for details. // or // Warning: line 26: Unrecognized node type 'closestPointOnCurve'; preserving node information during this session. // or // Error: line 35: setAttr: No object matches name: cpoc.inPositionX //

    MR HOLLYWOOD said over 14 years ago:

    BRILLANT!!! .......... [do you know how to play the piano] ........... the music score moves perfectly with the animation which is AWESOME. Thankyou very much for such a generous share. CHEERS MR HOLLYWOOD
  • chris beck

    chris beck said almost 15 years ago:

    very great
  • chris beck

    chris beck said almost 15 years ago:

  • Dino

    Dino said almost 15 years ago:

    Man, this script is opening a new universe to me. Thank you!!!!!

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