v 1.3
-fixed a prob with a space in save path field. was using c:temp for my previous tests
which still needs to exist for the creation and deletion of bat files which process your
-added some saftey in case theres already a project directory in your output dir
so the proj directory there will not be added to rar file...
v 1.2
-added some info and options
-improved interface
in 1.1
-files or directorys outputted no longer have to be in the project directory
this applies to both references and queued items..
in 1.0.11
-fixed some not critical probs with Add to Queue Window
-discovered a new problem to watch out for [has to do with same folders already in
save location.. plz read known problems in helpfile]
in 1.0
-added option to queue any files or folders withing project dir to be exported
-added a simple image browser and file manager for add to export queue window
-added option to add text file with scene info.. etc.
-added an option to Create .bat file for easy command line rendering in ver 0.9
(tested working on a few different scenes in Maya 6 and 6.5)
(should work fine in maya 5)
- Export Referenced Files, current workspace.mel, and your scene file
to a folder of your choice. So they can be opened on another
computer simply by seting project directory and loading scene.
or Just backed up for later use.
- Add text file with scene info.. etc.
- Create .bat file for easy command line rendering
- Delete all Entire ShaderGroups with no object attached
- List and Set Project Directory within UI
- Export whole Directorys in Project Folder with References
[ex: maybee you have a zbrush dir in Project Folder
you would like exported]
- Compress Output as RAR file (some rar options)
[winrar for dos for win/dos must be installed www.rarsoft.com]
- Specify dosRAR Location
...plz read help file for more info
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