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backFaceCulling Mel 1.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

deleting the face not showing in the camera

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  • 8.x

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  • Windows


Last Modified:11/06/2007
File Size: 4.96 KB
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  • Robert Rioux

    Robert Rioux said over 12 years ago:

    Works perfectly for me! Thanks!
  • Joojaa

    Joojaa said about 17 years ago:

    Well, it so happens maya has a native function that does this. Sorry its not meant as offensives but we dont want to bloat peoples code repositories with very inneficient code here. :) It however does not supprise me you dont know this since poly select constraint is a such a odd command. Second, for those thet dont understand what backface culling is, is not right to say whats visible since culling still works TROUGH objects. However theres rarely any need for this as you can just turn your object (but not view ports, but rather each individual objects settings to two sided off) to back face culling and it automatically limits to JUST the non culled components. And obviously shift draging after the initial drag solves that. Its quite safe to say if you use mel to process wast amounts of stuff indivisually querying them like this your misusing what mel was intended for and maya in general. ;) I suggest you change the code asap to something along lines: { $panel=`getPanel -wf`; if(`modelPanel -q -ex $panel`){ $cam=`modelPanel -q -cam $panel`; $pos=`xform -q -ws -t $cam`; polySelectConstraint -disable -oa $pos[0] $pos[1] $pos[2] -ob 90.0 180.0 -o 1; //are the angles so 0.0 90 //would select the nonculled faces polySelectConstraint -m 2; } delete; polySelectConstraint -m 0; } Hope thei helps anybody else. PS when you update your code to use selection constraints pm me so i will up the rating to 4 because its probably not the most useful feature out there. ;) And delete most of the commentaries.

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