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Animation Data Transfer 1.0.3 for Maya (maya script)

Transfer animation data using the .anim file format; written in Python!

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  • 2013


Last Modified:12/04/2013
File Size: 2.5 KB
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  • Hizab O.V.

    Hizab O.V. said about 11 years ago:

    Response to slipsius: Have updated the docs for usage and fixed known errors.
  • slipsius

    slipsius said over 11 years ago:

    This script doesn't seem to work, or at least needs a text file to explain how to use it. You have to change a file location in the scripts themselves, otherwise you get an errors saying the file doesnt exist, and even after that, I just get errors. The write script gives me this error when I select the controls with the anims on it and use the script # Error: TypeError: line 97 of : 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable # and when using the read script, i get this error, which may be because the file wasnt written properly. # Error: IndexError: line 45 of : list index out of range #

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