This script easily aligns any movable components (vertex, CV, etc) by defining an axis and an
extremity (just like the UV align tool works, but this one is in 3d space).
The script was written to work fast even with 10000+ components selected (it takes about 0.3 secs
for that :P) and also it has a very intuitive & minimizeble UI.

1. Copy the mel file to your scripts dir
2. type ya_alignComps in the commandLine or better make a shelf
button with that command, using the image included in this zip.
Align Components v1.6
<+> fixed the UI crashing issues under maya 6.5 & 7. Hopefully :)
<+> tweaked a bit the code to make it easyer to modify
Align Components v0.1.5
<+> performance improved again. Now it works about ~250 times faster than first version did.
<+> added support for aligning more than one object's components.
Align Components v0.1.0
<+> performance improved a lot (It works ~140 times faster than first version did).
<+> UI changed; added colors to buttons; Built a nicer layout for help and main window.
Align Components v0.0.0
<+> the first version built only for my personal usage :)
TODO list:
-add support for arbitrary axes. Though it may take a while to find out the
easyest way for the user to define the axes (maybe make him pick an edge or smth).
Script written by Calin Panait [ yashu ] @ 2004-2006
Also big thanks to Chris Smith for the icons :)
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
Please rate and review in the Review section.