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Advanced Maya Mirror Tool 1.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Mirror adjacent, across distances, and over axis, without the pesky opposite node

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  • 2012


Last Modified:08/31/2013
File Size: 9.44 KB
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  • Benjamin Winn

    Benjamin Winn said over 11 years ago:

    You have asked, and you shall receive - I added in your requested Reverse Normal feature! (As well as a 'Kill Original Mesh' option) :) Happy mirroring!
  • Andrew Tanguay

    Andrew Tanguay said almost 12 years ago:

    I added a simple reverse normals myself if people want to add it in. Search for this line.... //mirror the duplicated object in the correct direction scale -relative $xScalerVal $yScalerVal $zScalerVal $mirObj[0]; Add the following text //Flip Those Polys - ADDED 2013 polyNormal -normalMode 4 -userNormalMode 0 -ch 1;
  • Andrew Tanguay

    Andrew Tanguay said almost 12 years ago:

    Great script...honestly surprised Maya does have this built in. I'm coming over from Max and this has been a core doodad since the beginning. Anyway...I third the request for a flip normal. But I'd also, like the option to kill the original. Sometimes you just need to flip an object, not clone and flip. Thanks for sharing!!!
  • jpfaraco

    jpfaraco said almost 14 years ago:

    That's exactly what I was about to suggest ! Mirror -> Reverse normals The script is great, and with this it would be even greater
  • 710Films

    710Films said about 14 years ago:

    Benjamin, Great script. I was wondering if there could be one more attribute, Reverse Normals. This would help in the mirror, combine process. Thanks, Frank

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