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abSymMesh 1.9.1 for Maya (maya script)

Work with symmetrical and asymmetrical blendshapes

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  • 2008, 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:10/29/2013
File Size: 10.6 KB



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  • silva3109

    silva3109 said over 2 years ago:

    It works on Maya 2020.2
  • hazem_zoom

    hazem_zoom said over 4 years ago:

    Works Well with me in Maya 2020.1 on WIndows 10. The only feature that works for each selected single object is ((Check SYmmetry)), other features needs you to first (select base geometry) then select other similar or identical object & use the rest of features (for Blendshapes & copy/paste vertex positions purposes)
    A "Must have" script, it is only disadvantage that its (Check Symmetry) is slow if your model is more than 15000 polygons count
  • krishnavril

    krishnavril said almost 5 years ago:

    Not working for Maya 2020.1 :(
  • luisdidonna

    luisdidonna said almost 11 years ago:

    Works perfect in MAYA 2014 64 Extension 2. Thanks a lot!
  • Ann40

    Ann40 said over 12 years ago:

    It's so me a lot of time, thank you so much for sharing such great script!!!~
  • Yaleh Paxton -Harding

    Yaleh Paxton -Harding said about 14 years ago:

    You can't be a modeler in Maya without this. MJPolytools was the other must have, but the looping tools are so much improved these days. However- this little gem of a script is still a MUST HAVE. Thanks for all the years of usefulness. Kind regards!
  • Kevin Hoffman

    Kevin Hoffman said almost 15 years ago:

    Amazingly simple script for mirroring blendshapes in one click. Also has a useful option for showing any verts that have been moved from their original position in the base mesh. This is helpful when making sure you haven't affected an area that you don't want to.
  • brazz

    brazz said almost 15 years ago:

    very good script, a must have for sure. It took me a little while to figure how it works, but now I see how great it is.
  • Osman Acar

    Osman Acar said almost 15 years ago:

    One of the most useful scripts.
  • skmann

    skmann said almost 17 years ago:

    This in a script I put into the: nothing else does what it does, you have to have it. catagory. -=s

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