This little python script imitates the way 3dsmax Nitrous viewport handles screen space ambient occlusion, anti-aliasing and soft shadows inside of Maya's Viewport2.0.
Most of my co-workers use 3dsmax, I noticed that the default viewport is now Nitrous while VP2.0 needs to be turned on manually in Maya. Also, you need to go to VP2.0 options to turn on SSAO, MSAA, create a light manually, turn on depth map shadows and display them in viewport. In 3dsmax the default lighting system project shadows in the viewport, something that you cannot control in Maya. The best way to replicate this is Maya is to create a directional light, parent it to the perspective camera and add a little offset on two axis.
I do this every time, so I decided to batch the process with a little script and share this to the community.
I hope you'll like it, if you find any strange behaviour please let me know.
Works with Maya 2012+ on Win, OSX and Linux.
Quick video overview here:
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